A Jancis Robinson MW Curated Case of South African Chenin rated 17 points and above in their recent summary of SA White wines based on a number of SA tastings during the course of the year.
“Jancis and I tasted more than 250 wines between us, and our scores across the board are so consistently high that, in a line-up like this, 16 starts to look low, and 17 looks ordinary. Which is not the case. Our scoring scale hasn’t suffered from inflation. South African wine producers are simply doubling down in quality…Chenin continues to shine as brightly as ever, perhaps even more so as producers across the board seem to be abandoning new oak, embracing spontaneous fermentation, playing with a bit of skin contact, and using old oak and larger-format barrels. Even the best Chenin producers in the Loire must, by now, be standing on the sidelines, watching in envy.” – Tamlyn Currin.